In 1237 the
Coat of Arms of the Wavrins was already in existence and
is now recognized by the Dutch, Belgian and French
governments. In 1859 the title "Le Villiers" was added to
the name Wavrin, Duke of Belgium. This was possibly due to
marriage or a great service done to the country.
The crest
consists of the unicorn with the motto "Moins que lepas"
blazoned in blue and white. A letter received in 1971
from the Mayor of the Ville de Wavrin indicated that the
name Waverijn underwent many changes:

1107 - |
Wavring |
1147 - 1152 |
Wafrin |
1193 - |
Waverin |
1209 - |
Wavering |
These names
are also known in Belgium. Because the Waverijns did not
belong to the Catholic Church, there are no records in
the church archives. There was a fort, but it was
destroyed during World War I. City Hall in Ville de
Wavrin was destroyed in World War II and all important
papers were lost. 
There are no more living people by the name of Wavrin in
Ville de Wavrin.
The following information was taken out of a book
"Collection of the Chronicles and Ancient histories of
Great Britain, now Called England" by John de Wavrin,
Lord of Forestel.
John (bastard) of Wavrin, was an illegitimate child of a
noble family of Artois, France. His father, the head of
the House of Wavrin, Robert, Lord of Wavrin and of
Liliers was killed in the Battle of
Azincourt. John the Wavrin was also in that battle on
the side of the French. He stayed in the army until the
Treaty of Arras in 1435. His nephew, Waleran, Lord of
Wavrin, Liliers, Malonnoy and Saint Venant, undertook
the writing collection (1445-1455) and compiled the
memorials for his chronicles of Britain. Continuing
until the death of King Henry IV, they wrote a fifth
John de Wavrin was born in 1394 and died in 1474 at the
age of eighty.
Count and Countess Wavrin fled in 1685 from France to
Holland. They were Hugenots and were forbidden to
practice their religion.
On May 5, 1795 Jan Joosse Waverijn married Elena
Stroosnijder and came to live in Krabbendijke. Their
dates of birth and death are unknown. They had a son:
Dignus Waverijn born january 4. 1803 in Krabbendijke,
died May 1.1890 in Kruiningen. He was married to
Elisabeth van de Sande, born August 18.1814 in Breskens,
died August 29. 1882 in Kruiningen.
They had eleven children, ten of them were born in
Kruiningen, Province of Zeeland:
1. Helena |
Geb. 05.04.1835 in Krabbendijke, overl.
29.07.1838 in Kruiningen. |
2. Jannetje
Geb. 30.03.1838 in Kruiningen, overl.
gehuwd met Johannes Boone [dertien
kinderen]. |
3. Jan
Geb. 16.08.1839 in Kruiningen, overl.
gehuwd met Adriana Jacomina Harms [negen kinderen]. |
4. Jeroon
Geb. 15.09.1841 in Kruiningen, overl.
gehuwd met Geertruida Schrier [vier kinderen],
gehuwd met Ida Barbera Steenblok [drie kinderen]. |
5. Joost
Geb. 17.05.1844 in Kruiningen, overl.
gehuwd met Pieternella van Liere [vier kinderen]. |
6. Helena
Geb. 26.01.1847 in Kruiningen, overl.
gehuwd met Marinus Baveco [vier
kinderen]. |
7. Maria
Geb. 28.10.1849 in Kruiningen, overl.
gehuwd met Jan Dek [vier
kinderen]. |
8. Abraham |
Geb. 31.12.1850 in Kruiningen, overl.
16.01.1939. |
9. Matthijs
Geb. 11.03.1852 in Kruiningen, overl.
gehuwd met Maria Cok [zes
kinderen]. |
10. Jacob |
Geb. en overl. 31.08.1853 in Kruiningen. |
11. Izaak
Geb. 30.07.1856 in Kruiningen, overl.
gehuwd met Suzanna Wilhelmina Visscher [twee kinderen]. |

Johanna Jolijna
12.10.1884 te 's H.H.Kinderen
31.12.1959 te Kruiningen
van Adriaan Abraham Snoodijk
Janna de Schipper

30.04.1884 te Kruiningen
overl. 11.02.1960 te Goes
van Jeroon Waverijn
Ida Barbara Steenblok
Het gezin Waverijn
met op de bovenste rij van links naar rechts:
Jer, Janna en Ida.
Op de onderste rij, eveneens van links naar
rechts Jan, Ad en Ko.

1. Jeroon
geb. 12.04.1910 te
overl. 19.03.1967 te Sprang

gehuwd met Elizabeth Thomina Hollestelle.
(06-05-1909 / 13-03-2001)
[een kind]

2. Janna
geb. 12.04.1912 te
overl. 23.11.1971 te 's-Gravenhage, |

gehuwd met François Hermanus Steketee.
(17-06-1913 / 28-08-1987)
[zes kinderen]

3. Ida Barbera
geb. 29.05.1914 te
overl. 15.06.2001 te Middelburg, |

gehuwd met Maarten Verdonk.
(20-05-1913 / 21-06-1984)
[zes kinderen]

4. Adriaan
geb. 16.01.1916 te
overl. 13.09.1994 te Den Burg,

gehuwd met Jacoba Lous.
(03-02-1917 / 16-09-2007)
[twee kinderen]

5. Jan Dingenus
geb. 05.02.1918 te
overl. 03.06.1967 te Rotterdam, |

gehuwd met Cornelie Knegt.
(26-10-1913 / 09-01-2009)
[drie kinderen]

6. Jacobus
geb. 23.11.1920 te
overl. 29.03.1980 te Goes,

gehuwd met Janneke Lena Hovestadt.
(14-02-1921 / 16-01-2017)
[twee kinderen]

7. Jannetje Jozina
geb. 24.07.1928 te
overl. 10.01.2000 te Yerseke,

gehuwd met Pieter Cornelis Vette.
(22-08-1928 / 24-05-2014)
[twee kinderen]